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Máster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados TOP 1 según el Ranking de El MUNDO  “Mejores Másteres 2023/24” 

250 Másteres y Guía MBA


Master in Advanced English Studies TOP 1 according to the ranking of El Mundo “Best Masters’ 2018"

Ranking of El Mundo “Best Masters’ 2018"

Master in Advanced English Studies TOP 1 according to the Ranking of Expansión “250 Masters and MBA Guide"

Ranking of Expansión “250 Masters and MBA Guide"

Tuition Fees and Payment methods

Tuition prices for the 2023-2024 academic year

Course fee € 26,20 per ECTS
Course fee (second and successive re-take) € 76,21 per ECTS
Total cost of Master’s (60 credits) € 1572 + € 45 other fees = € 1617 approx

Public prices and Payment

For the most recent updates on public fees check https://www.usal.es/files/master/documento_tasas_2024_25.pdf

See also: USAL Acceso, Preinscripción y Matrícula en Másteres Universitarios. Curso 2024-25.

Please note that for this Master’s academic fees are the same for foreign, national and EU students both at the University of Salamanca and Valladolid.

Payment Plans:

  • The University accepts payment by installments.
  • Two-Year Part-Time Enrollment Plans for the Master’s are available.

This payment will not be automatically reflected in the enrolment computer system, so that proof of payment must be submitted alongside the rest of required documents at the Secretary’s Office of the Centre.

After completing the self enrolment process, the enrolment receipt may be saved and printed. Should you have any problems printing the corresponding receipts, a duplicate may be requested at the Secretary’s Office of the Centre.

Once self enrolment has been fully completed, any changes thereto (addition or elimination of subjects, group changes, etc.) must be requested at the Centre, according to the applicable university regulations.

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Universidad de Salamanca VIII Centenario Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Valladolid