Our Master Program is one of the best well-designed Master programs in the current academic world.
By encompassing both Literature and Linguistics it opens itself up to all language researchers. The program makes it possible for young poets, novelists and playwrights to refresh their minds by working with a well trained and experienced teaching staff. The subjects included in the program enable young researchers to flourish in their endeavour to achieve academic excellence.
This Master Program is also unique since it is a joint venture between two institutions of higher learning, that is, the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid. This is very advantageous to both researchers and teaching staff. Not only does this make the students feel that they are a product of two universities and indeed they are, but it also broadens their views about research as they are exposed to a wide range of scholars. Study visits to Reading and other universities in the United Kingdom are also part of the assets that the Program should be proud of.
To cut the story short, I could say that, beyond any reasonable doubt, this Master Program in “Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact” is the best I could have ever joined.