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Máster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados TOP 1 según el Ranking de El MUNDO  “Mejores Másteres 2023/24” 

250 Másteres y Guía MBA


Master in Advanced English Studies TOP 1 according to the ranking of El Mundo “Best Masters’ 2018"

Ranking of El Mundo “Best Masters’ 2018"

Master in Advanced English Studies TOP 1 according to the Ranking of Expansión “250 Masters and MBA Guide"

Ranking of Expansión “250 Masters and MBA Guide"


General Competencies:
  • CG1. –To possess the knowledge and understanding that provides a basis or opportunity to develop and implement original ideas in the field of English studies in the cultural, literary, linguistic, and methodological aspects.
Specialized Competencies:
  • CE1. –To evaluate different artistic linguistic and cultural expressions of modernity and postmodernity, and their interaction and interrelationship in the field of English studies.
  • CE2. –To analyze the texts most representative of the plurality of linguistic and cultural expression, and their links to the social and historical contexts of past and present Anglophone societies.
  • CE3. –To have the knowledge to thoroughly and meticulously interpret literary and linguistic texts of English and American literature according to the main theoretic trends in English Studies.
  • CE4. –To have the ability to plan, organize and develop essays and oral presentations in English based on the correct use of bibliographical sources, patterns of argumentation and documentation at an appropriate academic level.
  • CE5. –To have theoretical and applied knowledge of English language and literature and of language learning and adaptation of teaching to speakers of different languages.
  • CE6. –To manage the necessary tools for finding bibliographic sources and references for conducting research in English studies.
  • CE7. –To provide the ability for dialogue and mediation among different socio-economic contexts, in order to build linguistic and cultural bridges between Spain and the English-speaking world.
  • CE8. –To appropriately manage the most widely used resources in literary oriented research, methodology and linguistics so as to enable students to function successfully in the area of language teaching and English and American literature.
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Universidad de Salamanca VIII Centenario Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Valladolid